Testing and Evaluation in Games
Project aimed at connecting with design and data team to identify challenges within games testing to improve structures and approaches.
To achieve this, the project included
- Designing and conducting interviews
- Analyzing data and identifying common and relevant challenges
- Designing visual and structural solutions
- Implement and evaluate suggested solutionsin design team
- Pitching and presenting areas of improvement to lead and director level stakeholders
Interview design
To identify relevant issues within the structure, interviews were designed and conducted with design and data team.
The interviews focused on views on testing, testing outcome data, and team collaboration and input.
Solution approach
Based on the data, a low level fidelity prototype of structure was designed and presented to the team. To create the solution, scientific methods were used.
The ORID conversational model was used as a backbone of the designed structure. This to create cohesiveness and a shared understanding within the team.
In terms of set up, tools used, efficiency, and resources, data from interviews informed choices with goals to not add extra work, ensure current methods to be reused as stakeholders already had knowledge and preferences to solutions, and clear goals to ensure that testing had tangable outcomes.
The proposed solution was used in several testing sessions and interviews were conducted with the users to enquire about their experience. Generally, in relation to the low level of fidelity of the prototype, designers were positive about the efficiency and clarity of the approach.
Academic & Company Perspectives
The efforts were compiled into a academic report, analyzing the outcome and efficiency of the approach, and was also presented to lead and director level stakeholders within the company.
The academic paper had a critical focus of the project, challenging choices and results while identifying areas of improvement within the methods and approach.
When presented to the company, the focus of the results, data, and presentation was shifted to a problem and solution approach, highlighting the challenges within the area of focus while also showing a structured way to move forward.
The presentation took place at the company and allowed for stakeholders to discuss and ask questions in regards to the project and presentation. While broader solutions were presented, the presentation focused down the areas of improvement to tangable and actionable points.
Thesis internship at Machinegames focusing on testing and evaluation in games.
The project promoted a user-focused approach where designers and the development team was centered to ensure proposed solutions fit their goals, preferences, challenges, and skills.
A solution was design, implemented, evaluated, and presented within the frame of the project.
Areas of Responsibility
Ideation, sketching, project management, interviews, data analysis, testing, evaluation, presentation and pitching.
Team Size